Child of Hope

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As depressing as the problem appears, there is hope. According to the Idaho Mental Health Plan, early intervention with Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) children can help to prevent teen suicide and help to prevent the number of adults entering the prison system.  (Source: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, 1997)

The Children of Hope Family Hospital is dedicated to providing:

* Inpatient and Outpatient Services

*Wholesome Methods of Treatment (click here to view our treatment philosophy)

*A Safe, Loving, and Hopeful Environment For SED Children and Their Parents Who Lack Financial Resources

Idaho needs a healthy treatment alternative, dedicated to the SED children who get lost in the cracks. Existing efforts have fallen short. Communities and individuals at the grass roots level must become involved to resolve this dire, worsening situation.

The hospital's well rounded staff will include psychiatrists and other physicians, nurses, counselors and other salaried or volunteer staff. The hospital will be coordinated by an executive director to ensure the best quality care for our patients. * All primary treatment counselors will have a minimum of a Master's degree in counseling or a related field. Our philosophy is to promote the most healthy treatments first - at the discretion of the supervising psychiatrist , psychotropic medicines will only be used when absolutely necessary.

Helping to Build a Brighter Future

The Children of Hope Family Hospital is asking for your help in building a brighter future for lost children. Your donation will help make this hospital a reality.

The Children of Hope Family Hospital is incorporated as a nonprofit orginization under the laws of the State of Idaho and has 501 (c) (3) status as a nonprofit hospital with the Internal Revenue Service. As a charitable organization, donations qualify for deduction under the Internal Revenue Code. For further information, consult your tax adviser.

Our hospital is governed by a board of directors and officers as required by our Articles of Incorporation. We follow the ethical guidelines of the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC). For more information about IABC, view their web site at:


Next page: Proposed Hospital Design

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© 2007 Children of Hope Family Hospital | Friday Mar 28 2025