Child of Hope

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Please pray for the following: 

1. Wisdom, Strength, Protection.

2. All the kids and their parents who need help and can't afford help.

3. Our hospital board members.

4. Our hospital informational meetings.

Children of Hope Family Hospital Immediate Financial Needs:

Hospital Executive Director - 70,000

Psychiatrist - $150,000

Office lease - $8,400

Telephone - $ 2,400

Total Immediate Need = $ 230,800

In addition, we need cash donations to pay for the following:

Land Purchase - $ 3 Million dollars

*We need 12 acres of donated land, so that we would not owe for land cost.

Labor Cost - $ 3 Million

Building Material Cost - $ 2.7 Million

Construction management fee - $150,000

Liability insurance - $50,000

This hospital is to be the first free Christian based child/adolescent psychiatric hospital mission in the United States for kids who are suicidal, on drugs, or that have other serious emotional problems - please help us provide a future of hope for kids. With the help of God and you, we can make this much needed facility a reality. Children of Hope Family Hospital, Inc. is incorporated as a non profit organization under the laws of the State of Idaho and has 501 (c) (3) status as a non profit psychiatric hospital with the Internal Revenue Service. As a qualified charitable organization, donations qualify for deduction under the Internal Revenue Code - for further information, consult your tax advisor. * Our financial records are open to the public for review. Our yearly 990 tax return is filed with the Internal Revenue Service - this is available to anyone upon request.

TREE of Hope Fund Raising Campaign for the CHILDREN OF HOPE FAMILY HOSPITAL, INC.

Diamond Sponsor ....$1 Million +
Emerald Sponsor ...............$501K-999K
Ruby Sponsor ...............$101K-500K
Sapphire Sponsor .............$11K-100K
Platinum Sponsor ....$5K-10K
Gold Sponsor ...............$901-5K
Silver Sponsor ...............$501-900
Bronze Sponsor .............$101-500
Copper Sponsor ..........$1-100

All sponsor names will be engraved (upon request) on leaves of the Tree of Hope located in the main lobby of Children of Hope Family Hospital and/or on the wall plaques located in the main hospital lobby and in the hallways of the hospital.

To date, we have received $400,000 + of In Kind Donations


Next page: Help Wanted

Phone: (208) 703-8688    |   Online Contact Form
© 2007 Children of Hope Family Hospital | Friday Mar 28 2025