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Rev. Anthony Harper, Ph.D. - Counselor

The founder of Children of Hope Family Hospital is Dr. Anthony Harper of Boise, Idaho. Dr. Harper has dedicated himself to providing quality counseling services for the economically disadvantaged since 1987, through the nonprofit Shiloh Counseling Center. * The perfect founder of this hospital mission that deserves the credit is Jesus of Nazareth - Dr. Harper sees himself more like the Co Founder because he realizes that without Jesus, nothing is possible.

Dr. Harper provides Biblical counseling services to economically disadvantaged individuals and families with a philosophy based on Christian principles, and a preventative therapy approach dealing with topics such as depression, anger, sexual abuse, substance abuse, hyperactivity and grief.  He is an ordained minister with a Ph.D. in Psychology and is listed in the Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare.

While working in the trenches, Dr. Harper has seen a real need for a nonprofit hospital facility for young people dangerously careening down the dark path of depression and suicide. It's a road he personally knows too well; he used to be one of the Lost Children (when he called the suicide hot line counselor at age 18, the counselor turned out to be a drug dealer who gave him an illegal drug and introduced him to the drug scene.)  

Dr. Harper experienced depression as a child with symptoms of extreme moodiness and feelings of worthlessness. He lacked funds, and the available treatment was inadequate. Through the grace of God and a personal relationship with Jesus as his Savior, Dr. Harper finally did find relief.

As more than an overcomer, Dr. Harper possesses an intimate and unique understanding of people's suffering. His early experience has motivated him to provide a healthier treatment alternative.

Click Here To View Information About Dr. Harper's Music Ministry
Click Here To Read  Dr. Harper's Detailed Testimony


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